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The mess that is the MCU’s Multiverse Saga may just prove that Iron Man, not Captain America, was right in ‘Civil War’

The same old debate is sparked once more.

Image via Marvel Studios

Tony Stark has been accused of many things over the years, and granted, most of those accusations were legit, but no other event in MCU history has caused more ongoing debate than Tony and Steve’s face-off in Civil War. Despite fan opinions leaning more toward Captain America’s side in the conflict, now might be the time for folks to reconsider their position.

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Over on Reddit, a fan bravely pointed out how the events of the Multiverse Saga seem to prove Tony’s points during the movie. Marvel’s superheroes tend to follow their own whims, and while those tend to be on the righteous side of things, it’s not always the case. No matter how much fans can empathize with their favorite heroes, there’s no denying that their decisions sometimes cause immense damage to those around them, the world, and the multiverse itself.

Take installments like Spider-Man: No Way Home, Doctor Stranger in the Multiverse of Madness, and WandaVision, for example. In all of these, the superheroes wreaked havoc by simply doing what they wanted despite being warned against it, even if all the destruction their actions provoked was unintentional. In Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, Scott Lang and his team deal with incredibly dangerous technology, which could also greatly impact the world.

With no one to put heroes in check, and rationally measure the pros and cons of their actions, the multiverse could be (and has been) in peril. Even so, other fans argue that having government organizations dictate superheroes’ every movement could be just as dangerous, especially considering how corrupt the MCU has proven those establishments to be.

The conversations surrounding this subject have always been heated, and now is no different, despite how many years have passed since Civil Wars was released. Both sides of the Marvel fandom have fair points, and yet, neither is willing to concede.