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The Snyderverse love takes a beating as Zack Snyder’s newly unveiled DC plans test loyalties

The fandom hasn't been this fazed since the whole 'Lois and Batman hook up after Superman dies.'

zack snyder's justice league
Image via Warner Bros.

Ever since Zack Snyder bid farewell to the former DCEU and his vision for the franchise never really got its conclusion, Snyderverse fans have been fighting tooth and nail to get his plans a place in the new DCU. While Snyder stans do pat themselves on the back for the release of Zack Snyder’s Justice League, the director openly sharing his rather unhinged scenarios for his version of DC universe is putting steadfast loyalties through the grinder and has even led to the compilation of one long list with multiple contributions highlighting how nothing was ever right with his DCEU, to begin with. 

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After his exit from DC land, Snyder has shared some very eyebrow-raising and nausea-inducing schemes he had for the franchise, which thankfully never reached fruition, like his desire to make Lois Lane and Bruce Wayne hook up after Superman’s “temporary” death. But while these transgressions were forgiven and fans once again deep-dived into defending his vision, his new revelations have set the fandom on edge. 

At the recent Full Circle event, Snyder put forward a rooster of more bonkers ideas he had in mind for the DCEU — especially, the plan for a Kryptonian escaping the scout ship seen in Man of Steel and eventually giving rise to the entire race of Amazons — allowing DC defenders to experience what it feels like when the brain forcibly expels oxygen in an attempt to erase the memory of insane words. But while these plans went mercifully unrealized, it has made many accept that Snyder’s DCEU was made up of a lot of “bad ideas.”

While we could have recounted a few of them off the top of our heads — with Darkseid annoyingly “forgetting” where he left the Anti-Life equation would be the first— the collective prowess of the DCU did a stellar job of bonding together to point out how Snyder didn’t exactly keep his increasingly evident penchant for poor DC plotlines away from his films. 

Not everyone could take facing reality in the face. 


Though we know it is hard to see our heroes fall, expecting his new confession to put more than a fleeting dent in the whole “Restore Snyderverse — James Gunn will mess up DCU” campaign would be too far-fetched. But yeah, those on the other side of the argument definitely got another solid point backing why they are the wise ones.