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The third act of ‘Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny’ proving more polarizing than the whole of ‘Crystal Skull’

Where's vine-swinging Shia LaBeouf when you need him?

indiana jones and the dial of destiny
Photo via Lucasfilm

Obviously, major spoilers for Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny to follow.

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Very few franchises manage to bow out on the highest of high notes, but it’s ironic that Indiana Jones would have done just that had Harrison Ford genuinely been allowed to ride off into the sunset with The Last Crusade.

Almost 20 years later, and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull proved to be one of the most widely-hated blockbusters of the modern era, replete with poorly-rendered gophers, Shia LaBeouf swinging on vines, a sketchy fire ant sequence, and little green men to put the cherry on the bad-tasting cake.

Image via Lucasfilm

And yet, with Dial of Destiny now playing in theaters, the grand finale that literally finds Harrison Ford’s title hero flying through a “time fissure” and journeying thousands of years into the past to accidentally take part in one of history’s greatest battles has proven to be every bit – if not even more – as polarizing.


Of course, anyone that’s been paying attention knew that time travel was almost guaranteed to factor into Dial of Destiny somehow, but even then, trying to figure out how had left them stumped. Well, we got our answer, and it doesn’t appear to be the one that folks were looking for.

Some love it, and other absolutely detest it with a burning passion, but at least they’re talking about it. Whether or not that’s a positive or negative remains to be seen, especially with the box office numbers looking concerning to say the least.