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Thor: Ragnarok May Be Marvel Studios’ Shortest Film Yet

By now, you're well aware of how the major studios have unfortunately kept some of the bigger trailers to be screened at San Diego Comic-Con away from the general public, but on the plus side, we at least got to see some incredible new footage culled from Thor: Ragnarok. Boasting insanely impressive visual effects and production design, along with some amusing moments shared between the Odinson and Hulk, it's a safe bet that moviegoers are in for quite the treat this fall.

By now, you’re well aware of how the major studios have unfortunately kept some of the bigger trailers to be screened at San Diego Comic-Con away from the general public, but on the plus side, we at least got to see some incredible new footage culled from Thor: Ragnarok. Boasting insanely impressive visual effects and production design, along with some amusing moments shared between the Odinson and Hulk, it’s a safe bet that moviegoers are in for quite the treat this fall.

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But if you expect to be seated in the theater for a good portion of your evening when this baby sees release, think again, because it may end up being Marvel Studios’ shortest offering to date. Here’s what director Taika Waititi had to say on that front when speaking with Collider:

“The cut right now, I reckon it’s about 100 minutes. It’s not gonna be a very, very long film. I think that stories are better when you leave them wanting more, and this film moves at a clip, it’s got stuff happening all the time. I think people are still gonna feel exhausted by the end, they’ve been on this big journey and stuff, so I don’t think we need the film to be three hours.”

Hey, as long as it truly feels like the culmination of Thor’s solo journey in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and includes a compelling narrative, I’ll be satisfied. Still, cramming the fall of Asgard and anything inspired by the Planet Hulk comics into 100 minutes sounds like no easy feat.

Surprisingly, Waititi added that a lot will be left on the cutting room floor. But sometimes when you’re putting together a final version, there are just some scenes that you find don’t gel with the overall story you aim to tell.

“There will be a lot of deleted scenes. Great scenes. Funny, funny moments that—you can’t have it all. As I say you gotta kill those puppies, so we had to take some of those things out. Those scenes will exist so people will be able to see them.”

At least the Blu-ray is shaping up to be worth purchasing, right? Even so, the trailers thus far released have given this installment a lot to live up to, so we can only hope that the filmmaker’s finished product proves sturdier than Mjolnir is when in the hand of Hela.

Thor: Ragnarok arrives in theaters on November 3.