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See Venom’s Tom Hardy Visiting Sick Kids At LA’s Children’s Hospital

Though we may not (often) be able to understand Tom Hardy in films, he does have a good heart. Whether it's his noted love of dogs or his adorable time with his son, the 41-year-old never fails to delight me with his demeanor and now, he's done it again.

Though we may not (often) be able to understand Tom Hardy in films, he does have a good heart. Whether it’s his noted love of dogs or his adorable time with his son, the 41-year-old never fails to delight me with his demeanor and now, he’s done it again.

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The actor recently visited Children’s Hospital Los Angeles to show off Venom to the kids and let them try out “their best superhero moves” on him. You can feast your eyes on a pic from the visit down below and while it’s certainly a nice gesture on Hardy’s part, it seems like people increasingly see these kind of visits as something not done out of personal desire, but as promotional activity for their films.

We’ve seen it before with Tom Holland and other people in the Marvel bunch and it honestly seems like bullshit if you ask me. If you want to see kids, great, go out and see kids, but do it privately. Don’t turn it into a dime-a-dozen photo op.

Or better yet, make a donation to the hospital in question or offer to pay for medical treatment. Say what you will about Chris Rock or controversial Australian comedy group The Chasers, but they had it right when they criticized stuff like this which is done for children in poor or terminal health. Instead of offering someone a chance to see a movie or giving them a book filled with stickers, see what you can do about clearing the medical debts of their families or make a sizable contribution to disease research. Surely this would be a better choice, right?

Tell us, what do you think about Tom Hardy visiting sick children? Is it a sincere effort, or a sort of shameless promotion which belongs on the ash heap of history? Let us know in the comments section below.