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Tom Holland Says Uncharted Movie Has Some Of His Biggest Action Scenes Yet

Tom Holland has spoken about how Sony's upcoming Uncharted movie contains some of the biggest actions scenes of his career.

Tom Holland

For an actor whose previous film credits include playing Marvel’s web-slinging superhero, that headline is sure to come as somewhat of a surprise.

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In every one of his MCU appearances, Tom Holland has – where safety protocols permit, of course – performed some physically demanding action sequences but even they pale in comparison to what his turn as Nathan Drake in Sony’s upcoming Uncharted movie entails. Speaking to Variety in the latest episode of its Awards Circuit podcast, Holland revealed that the live-action adaptation, based on developer Naughty Dog’s acclaimed series of the same name, contains some of the “biggest action sequences” he’s ever been a part of.

In fact, he goes on to recall how filming sessions would often conclude with him having accrued a series of fresh mild injuries. “The cuts and bruises and bangs I got from dangling off of wires and falling off things was ridiculous,” he says, promising one hell of a ride for moviegoers in 12 months’ time.

Speaking of which, Sony Pictures is still holding firm to a February 11th, 2022 arrival date for Nathan Drake’s big screen debut, though we wouldn’t at all be surprised to see that date change based on the forward trajectory of COVID-19. With restrictions still in place in much of the world and vaccines continuing to roll out, a delay of several months is entirely possible. We’ll just have to wait and see what transpires, of course, but suffice it to say, Sony will want to sell as many tickets at the box office as possible, especially in the lucrative Chinese and North American markets.

Folks eager to learn more about Uncharted can check out some new teaser images by heading through here, while a teaser trailer of some sort shouldn’t be too far away now.