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10 Actors That Can Play Batman In Batman Vs. Superman

The Dark Knight Trilogy has come to an end and Christian Bale has completed his final outing as Batman. Though fanboy speculation and unproven rumors like to say otherwise, the actor will not be suiting up as the Caped Crusader for anymore films. That doesn't mean that the Bat won't appear on the silver screen again though, far from it actually.

Ryan Gosling

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I know what you’re thinking, so allow me to clarify. I am in no way suggesting that the Ryan Gosling we saw in The Notebook or in Crazy Stupid Love should step into the shoes of cinema’s most beloved superhero. Rather, I am referring to the Ryan Gosling we saw in films like Drive and Only God Forgives. I’m referring to the strong, silent type Ryan Gosling, the one who doesn’t put up with any nonsense and has no problem dishing out punishment.

Lately, Gosling has been showcasing a side of himself that’s dark, gritty, dramatic and tough, all qualities of a well-rounded Batman. Despite still dabbling in lighter fare in order to build up his female audience, the young Canadian actor is amongst the top talents in Hollywood. The handsome 32-year-old may seem a bit young for the role but the film is still a couple of years away.

Ryan Gosling is building a resume filled with impressive credits, and he’s only going to continue his upward trend. Oscar gold will be coming his way in the near future, and his status as a legitimate leading man who can impress both critics and audiences is solidifying.

I have no doubt that he can pull off superhero, and as an added benefit to Warner Bros, I’m sure Gosling would expand the franchise’s female audience. I loved what I saw of the actor in 2011’s Drive, and that film alone made me think of him for this list. His cold, calculated and sporadically violent Driver character reminded me of some of the Bat’s darker scenes. Personally, I would love to see an actor like Ryan Gosling take a shot at the role.

Bradley Cooper

Although mainly known for being a pretty face, actor Bradley Cooper is trying to prove that he’s more than just that. After breaking out with The Hangover, Cooper has gone on to take more dramatic roles, proving himself as a leading man in films like LimitlessSilver Linings Playbook and The Place Beyond The Pines. He’s one of the hottest actors around right now and many have been rooting for him to take on a superhero role for a while.

Like Gosling, he’d be a draw for the ladies and his irresistible charm, charisma, and playboy-like antics would lend well to the Bruce Wayne persona. He’s also shown his action chops in films like The A-Team and will do so again in the upcoming American Sniper, proving that he has no problem kicking ass when need be.

Would he be menacing and intimidating enough to played the Caped Crusader? Well, it might take some work, but with the right vocal coach and a bit of a makeover, he could be the perfect actor to take on the Bat.

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