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Stay Classy: Top 10 Greatest Will Ferrell Movies

Will Ferrell has been a comedy staple around the world for what feels like an eternity. He can always be counted on to give a fantastic performance with each outing and watching him is always a treat.

4. The Other Guys

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The most recent film on this list comes in the shape of The Other Guys. Just like so many on this list the strength of this movie really comes down to the chemistry between the leading men. Playing the straight partner to Mark Wahlberg’s more manic and unhinged character, Ferrell gives yet another understated performance.

Not as quotable as some of his other outings, Ferrell nonetheless delivers another high quality turn in this throughly enjoyable action/comedy, albeit overshadowed slightly by a surprising Mark Wahlberg.

For me, The Other Guys was another one of those Ferrell movies that caught me by surprise, I really wasn’t expecting to like it but when it came to leaving the theatre all I wanted to do was go straight back in and see it again.

Out of all Ferrell’s movies, this one has the most potential to be given a sequel. I’m really apprehensive about a return to Zoolander and Anchorman, I worry that there isn’t enough room for another story and that the memory of the originals will be tarnished. With The Other Guys, however, a sequel would fit really nicely and  as long as you had the Wahlberg/Ferrell combo, the story wouldn’t need to have much to it.

3. Blades of Glory

Whoever thought that a film about figure skating could be so funny? I certainly didn’t, which is probably why I enjoyed it so much. Blades of Glory was one of those rare and special occurrences where you go in expecting a film to be terrible and end up being pleasantly surprised.

Chazz Michael Michaels is such a great character for Ferrell, in truth he’s probably able to play a brash, cocky sex icon in his sleep. The actor’s ability to deliver hilarious lines without hamming it up is truly what makes him such a great comic actor, and this ability is on full display here.

Will Ferrell singing The Black Eyed Peas’ “Lady Humps” is yet another fantastically simple idea that is absolutely knocked out of the park by Ferrell.

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