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The Top 10 Movie Posters Of 2013

Part of building anticipation for films is through the extensive promotion that studios do. The most tangible part of promotion are the movie posters that are released. These excellent works of art can be taken home and hung on your wall, unlike trailers or TV spots, giving them a special place in film-lovers’ hearts.

2. Godzilla

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When images of this Comic-Con poster for Gareth Edwards’ Godzilla started popping up on the internet, I almost hopped in my car and headed for San Diego. It blew me away and I instantly knew this one was going to be on my list when the end of the year rolled around.

There are always a few really good posters that come out of Comic Con, as those sheets usually allow for a lot more creativity than a standard piece of theatrical promotion, but this year there was none better than the poster which you see above.

For a movie about a giant monster, it would make sense to show the giant monster. After all, there’s this beast coming out of the sea and wreaking havoc on the helpless human population. That’s what most posters for similar movies have done, and we’ve seen some great pieces that follow that format. Still, it’s been done before because it’s easy. So for this poster, instead of just showing the monster, they created a new version of the monster, a version which is made of the destruction it has caused.

And really, that’s why this poster is so brilliant. When all is said and done, it doesn’t matter what the monster looks like. The humans who had their homes destroyed by this beast don’t care if he was green or blue, had thirty tentacles or breathed fire. What they care about is the buildings and homes that have been ruined. This poster takes that concept and beautifully sets it against a blood-red background. Just brilliant.