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The Top 10 Movie Posters Of 2013

Part of building anticipation for films is through the extensive promotion that studios do. The most tangible part of promotion are the movie posters that are released. These excellent works of art can be taken home and hung on your wall, unlike trailers or TV spots, giving them a special place in film-lovers’ hearts.

7. Here Comes The Devil

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Another quality, retro horror poster from this year is this one-sheet for Here Comes The Devil. While this one doesn’t really give all that much information about the film, or at least nothing that can’t be determined from the title, it’s still a pretty eye-catching piece of horror art.

The first thing that strikes me about this poster is the use of color. For the most part, it’s only a bit of black and white, and then it’s red all over. The shades of red are obviously meant to be reminiscent of blood, but they are also used for the fires of hell that come at the bottom of the screen. There’s also the way that the hell-fire is made up of hands reaching toward the sky. It’s subtle enough that it doesn’t feel forced, but the hands and demons below are still striking enough to warrant a second look.

The text is put in the middle, but instead of being boring like that technique usually is, there’s enough happening on either side of the writing, and the font is interesting enough that the placement really works. The text splits the poster into three equal rows, and each row has something that’s worth your attention. It isn’t the most innovative poster, but it’s done in such a way that makes it one of the best of the year.