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Top 10 Most Unworthy Oscar Winners

Obviously, the Academy Awards are incredibly selective (not to mention subjective) and the movie or actor you thought was the absolute best will more than likely not walk away with the big prize. But sometimes there's such an egregious error in judgment, such a crime against the art of filmmaking that you can't help to raise your arms to the heavens and cry to those cinema snobs up in their ivory towers, "What were you thinking?!" Here are the Oscar winners we deem most unworthy.

[h2]7. Crash[/h2]

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I have a theory for how Crash managed to win the Oscar for Best Picture in 2006, and I like to call it the High School Election.  When you’re in high school, there could be dozens of highly qualified, socially conscious, future leaders of America running for class president, but at the end of the day, the one you vote for is the guy you know.  I can guarantee that everyone in Hollywood has a friend who worked on Crash in some capacity.  Even I can play Six Degrees of Crash without needing more than two links.  That’s the only way I can explain how Crash beat out both Brokeback Mountain and Good Night and Good Luck, both vastly superior films.

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