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Vague Transformers 4 Synopsis Emerges

Transformers 4: you didn't ask for it, but by god you're gonna get it. Michael Bay's next entry in the studio franchise that's come to define 'diminishing returns' sees the director team with future ​Pain & Gain ​collaborator Mark Wahlberg, though until now that's just about all we've known about it. With the reveal of the vaguest of plot details as covered below, we can now add 'ingenious scientists' and 'ancient...Transformer' to the list of participants in a story yet to appear, but which Bay claims will move "in a full, new, different direction".

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Transformers 4: you didn’t ask for it, but by god you’re gonna get it.

Michael Bay’s next entry in the studio franchise that’s come to define ‘diminishing returns’ sees the director team with future Pain & Gain collaborator Mark Wahlberg, though until now that’s just about all we’ve known about it. With the reveal of the vaguest of plot details as covered below, we can now add ‘ingenious scientists’ and ‘ancient…Transformer’ to the list of participants in a story yet to appear, but which Bay claims will move “in a full, new, different direction”.

Check it out below:

This plot summary has been removed at the request of Paramount. We’re sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

It might be time Bay and Paramount just accept that the human interest is not what sells these movies. While they’ve taken three films and used them to set up that giant space robots are not opposed to using our planet as a battleground, it’s probably time now that the Decepticons and Autobots took their skirmishes elsewhere. Sure, I don’t speak for everyone, but I just don’t care about how their eternal conflict affects our insignificant race of people. Who ever made a film about the bugs and beetles of Baghdad?

Though still a contender in the visual effects department, any reason for adults to watch these films beyond scouting which toys their kids want and which they don’t went out the window long ago. Can Mark Wahlberg change that? Is it fair to call this fourth installment a full reboot after the critical punching bag of Dark Of The Moon led to a completely new cast? And put simply, would you really miss Transformers 4 if no-one made it?

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