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Is The Third Tron Called Tron: Ascension?

Disney has been oddly silent about whether Tron 3 is indeed happening, but rumors persist that not only is the project in active development but that it is set to roll cameras in Vancouver this fall. Other sources say Tron: Legacy helmer Joseph Kosinski is again at the helm, and Garrett Hedlund is back in a starring role. Now, a new report has unearthed a possible name for the threequel - Tron: Ascension.


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Disney has been oddly silent about whether Tron 3 is indeed happening, but rumors persist that not only is the project in active development but that it is set to roll cameras in Vancouver this fall. Other sources say Tron: Legacy helmer Joseph Kosinski is again at the helm, and Garrett Hedlund is back in a starring role. Now, a new report has unearthed a possible name for the threequel – Tron: Ascension.

The scoop comes from Production Weekly, which recently tweeted:

It’s been a long five years since Tron: Legacy, but all news about this next movie suggest it’s moving ahead quickly, which makes Disney’s silence all the more confusing. Perhaps the studio is working on a viral marketing campaign, starting quietly before launching an aggressive marketing campaign, as it did for Tron: Legacy. That’s not the only question mark about the threequel, though – what Tron: Ascension means, let alone whether that title is legitimate, remains unclear.

The end of Tron: Legacy certainly set up some interesting directions for another film, with Olivia Wilde’s Quorra entering the real world and Cillian Murphy being introduced as the son of Tron villain Ed Dillinger.

Back in 2013, Kosinski commented on ideas for a script, saying:

“The fundamental idea of the movie is something I’m very excited about, it delivers on the ideas that we set up in Legacy, especially at the end in the last five minutes.”

He also said that, for him to come back for Tron 3, the film would need to be “our Empire Strikes Back,” going darker and being “truly spectacular” in how it moves the series’ universe forward. It does appear that Kosinski is taking the reins, which can only mean that the script met his high expectations. That alone is reason to start getting very excited for Tron: Ascension – or whatever it ends up being called.