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‘Uncharted’ fans hoping Sony doesn’t delay the movie

Uncharted fans are desperately hoping Sony doesn't delay its other upcoming blockbuster with a Tom Holland connection.


In news that would have seemed scarcely believable a few months ago, Marvel fans were genuinely upset when Sony delayed Morbius for a sixth time, with Jared Leto’s debut as the Living Vampire moving from January 28 to April 1, leading to The New Mutants comparisons in the process.

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One theory (in addition to Omicron) making the rounds is that Sony doesn’t want to cannibalize its own success, pushing Morbius so that it won’t get caught in the slipstream of Spider-Man: No Way Home, which still hasn’t shown any signs of slowing down at the box office.

However, that would then invite the question as to why Uncharted hasn’t budged from February 18, although the fact it isn’t a superhero movie would probably explain most of it. Tom Holland’s popularity is also at its apex following his latest web-slinging adventure, but that doesn’t mean fans aren’t getting worried about another release date domino effect.


Arguably the best thing that could have happened to Uncharted is Spider-Man: No Way Home, with audiences potentially more willing to check out the video game adaptation for the sole reason it’s got Holland in the lead role. Fans of the console series haven’t been completely won over by the footage, so we’ll be very curious to see how Ruben Fleischer’s latest performs should it stand firm for next month’s debut.