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Not Greasy Enough: 2016’s Most Disturbing Movie Moments

2016's cinematic existence was mostly one of beauty and wonder - if you ignore how f*#&ed certain aspects became. For every majestic La La Land or groundbreaking Moonlight, a The Greasy Strangler reared its malformed monstrosity of a head. Something grotesque, obscure, and so aggressively "WTF" that its very existence demands documentation. This can be a good "WTF" (Train To Busan) or a bad "WTF" (Wiener-Dog), but in any case, there's something special about unhinged expressionism.

Egg Vomit (Bite)

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Bite sold itself on one simple premise – sickening visuals. Barf bags were handed out before its Fantasia Fest screening as a gag, and reports of hospitalized audience members made rounds on social media. Now, do I buy it? No. In fact, I’m pretty sure I ate dinner while watching Bite (once you survive Septic Man, everything gets a little easier).

That said, Elma Begovic’s performance has its queasy charms, especially once her little insect egg spit-up starts flowing at a fairly steady pace. The clip above is but a taste (ew) of the constant larva drool she spews, and gives you a sense of the film’s sticky aesthetic. You might want to wear a wetsuit for this one. 

Turkey Baster (Don’t Breathe)


No – Stephen Lang wasn’t cooking Thanksgiving dinner during Fede Alvarez’s Don’t Breathe. Instead, Lang’s blind villain finds an alternative use for the gravy dispenser, still involving gravy (man gravy), and still involving dispensing. There’s not much else I really want to give away. If you’ve seen the film, here’s a handy link to Jane Levy’s reverse moneyshot. If you haven’t, well, go rent Don’t Breathe and commence covering your mouth (worth it from start to finish).

Los Angeles Will Eat You Alive (The Neon Demon)

Subtlety has never been Nic Winding Refn’s strong suit. Look at The Neon Demon. It’s a literal representation of the notion that “L.A. will chew you up and spit you out,” beautified by cinematography that mirrors the same hollow core of makeup-caked model stereotypes. How clever.

Well, clever or not, Refn still has a wicked mean streak. His models end up with a battered body on their hands (lying contorted in an empty pool), after which – well, let’s just say their next job isn’t completed with empty stomachs. Although, one of the girls can’t cope with her actions, and ends up first regurgitating a body part and then slicing open her own stomach. It’s truly one of the gorier, more nauseating moments of 2016 cinema – and that’s not even where the scene ends.