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First Look At Last Vegas With Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman & Michael Douglas

Old people are everywhere. Not just in real life, but in movies now, too. And just when we thought that the cinema was the one place we could retreat to escape grandma's bedpan and grandpa's reminiscing on "the good old days."

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Old people are everywhere. Not just in real life, but in movies, too. And just when we thought that the cinema was the one place we could retreat to escape grandma’s bedpan and grandpa’s reminiscing on “the good old days.”

Nope. You’re just going to have to face the fact that the elderly are super-in right now, what with that sequel to The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel in the works and all those old action heroes going at it in The Expendables films.

You might have heard about Last Vegas already, what with its hilarious old-time pun-induced title, and of which the first photo has just been released (and you can take a look at it above). The movie stars the usual bunch of old actors who are… well, still acting. You know these people as Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman and Michael Douglas.

Essentially branded as a geriatric version of The Hangover, Last Vegas chronicles the journey of four 60-something lifelong friends who skip off to Las Vegas to throw a bachelor party for their one remaining single bud (Douglas). While there, the usual trouble erupts when the gang sets their sights on a beautiful dancer.

Presumably this could include hilarious hi-jinks such as De Niro doing cocaine off a stripper’s butt, Morgan Freeman getting blind drunk and jumping off the roof of a hotel into a swimming pool, and Douglas, uh… well, whatever you want Douglas to do. Of course, it’s being written by Dan Fogelman (Crazy Stupid Love) who might steer things a little lighter than all that. So instead expect scenes involving variations of the phrase “I’m too old for this shit.”

So, what do you think? Does this first glimpse of the cast get you excited, or are you dreading having to take your parents to see this instead of Captain America: The Winter Soldier?

Source: IndieWire