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How Warner Bros. Can Move Forward With The DC Extended Universe

It feels unreal to even think that Justice League is the lowest-grossing DCEU movie. It was meant to be the culmination of years of hard work and the granddaddy that reached the billion-dollar club. Instead, Warner Bros. is sweating and worried if it'll break even and not suffer any further humiliation.

Own Up To The Mistakes

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Now this is something that we don’t think will happen, but still hold on to hope that it will. If Warner Bros. wants to get fans and critics back on its side, it’ll do the hard thing and say sorry for the mistakes. It doesn’t need to be a 10-page letter of all its shortcomings or misteps, but a simple apology of how it hasn’t made the best possible decisions would go a long way to restoring confidence in the studio.

Along with this apology would be a plan of how things will be rectified with the next batch of movies. No blaming of producers, directors, writers, or actors, but an acknowledgement of how the studio should do better and will do so in the future. It’s not enough to restructure the people involved and remain silent about the studio’s own failings since it’s necessary for WB to own up to the mistakes on a corporate level, too.

Let’s be honest: many companies mess up and it’s okay to do so. After all, to err is human. But to keep quiet and ignore things, such as Henry Cavill’s horrid CGI lip, is just blatant disrespect to the fanbase. Justice League was evidently rushed, for whatever reasons, and every fan knows it could’ve – and should’ve – been better. We deserve so much more from Superman and co, and it’s time that WB delivers what it promised us when the DCEU was first announced.