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Watch Extended Trailer For Roland Emmerich’s White House Down

Roland Emmerich has not been a favorite director of mine since the one-two-three punch of dumbness called The Day After Tomorrow, 2012, and Anonymous. With the upcoming White House Down, though, there’s a good chance that he might step back into my good graces.


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Roland Emmerich has not been a favorite director of mine since the one-two-three punch of dumbness called The Day After Tomorrow, 2012, and Anonymous. With the upcoming White House Down, though, there’s a good chance that he might step back into my good graces.

The recently released extended trailer for White House Down does not give us much more than what we already got with the initial trailer … except to reinforce just how cool this movie looks. It features Channing Tatum as police officer John Cale who goes to the White House to interview for a Secret Service job, with his young daughter (Joey King) in tow. Of course he just happens to be there on the day that the White House is taken over by a paramilitary group. Being a cop, Cale does what any cop would do: he picks up a gun, rescues the President (Jamie Foxx), steals a rocket launcher and proceeds to kick some paramilitary butt

Emmerich is finally going back to what he knows: unpretentious action-adventures. White House Down continues to look like a Die Hard movie, down to the buddy relationship between Cale and the President, and the concept of a good cop in the wrong place at the wrong time. While the current trailer makes the film look a bit more serious than the previous one, this is not Olympus Has Fallen. The President has a rocket launcher, guys. Enough said.

White House Down, by the way, also features Maggie Gyllenhaal, James Woods, Richard Jenkins and Jason Clarke. With a cast like that, I don’t need another excuse to go see this thing.

If you still need to be convinced, watch the extended for trailer for White House Down below. You can’t tell me that it does not look awesome.

White House Down comes to theatres June 28.

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