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‘We are definitely looking to make another one of those’: ‘Uncharted’ producer hoping Tom Holland’s Nathan Drake gets another adventure

The return of Nathan Drake?

Image via Sony

Uncharted came and went last year, with the inaugural PlayStation Productions movie neither a complete disaster nor a massive hit. It scored a decent $120m at the domestic box office and $400m globally, which isn’t a record-breaking blockbuster, but should still light the fires of an eventual sequel.

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When that’s going to arrive is another matter entirely. Tom Holland seems to be stepping back from major action roles for the foreseeable future, and didn’t appear to have the best time playing Nathan Drake. Plus, if he was going to anchor another big budget adventure, you assume he’ll prioritize another Spider-Man movie.

Uncharted producer Charles Roben doesn’t sound like he’s in a hurry, despite revealing to The Hollywood Reporter that sequel plans are definitely afoot.

“We had a really good time with that movie. The fans really liked the movie, and people who didn’t know anything about the game really liked the movie. So we are definitely looking to make another one of those.”

So, fairly non-committal. Fortunately, if this project does get into gear, Naughty Dog’s game series can provide a lot of inspiration for action set pieces. Even if Holland doesn’t want to return, there’s the option of adapting Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, which follows Chloe Frazer and Elena Fisher on their own adventure. We’ve already met the live-action Chloe courtesy of Sophia Ali, and she sounds eager to strike out on her own.

Let’s hope the wheels eventually begin turning on this sequel. Sure, Uncharted wasn’t the greatest blockbuster of all-time, but things can only improve for the sequel.