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We Got Netflix Covered: Earthquakes, Galaxy Quest And Witch Hunters!

This week on We Got Netflix Covered, you'll find earthquakes, intergalactic quests, witch hunters and more!

Horror Pick: Aftershock

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I’ll be the first to admit the Eli-Roth-produced earthquake flick Aftershock has its blemishes, but it’s nowhere near as bad as other critics proclaim. Nicolás López sometimes struggles to balance dark comedy with a brutal natural disaster, but when Aftershock starts firing on all cylinders, a chaotic dystopian world is reveled where being crushed by rocks might be the least brutal death available. There’s anarchy, destruction, and if you really hate Eli Roth, you get to watch his character be murdered horribly on camera – it’s got something for everyone!

I admire López’s ambition here because the first chunk of Aftershock is about some bros just partying it up, starting us off with some friendly comedy. Next comes the anticipated earthquake strike, tearing through buildings while reducing busy streets to nothing but rubble. Some characters meet their fate during Mother Nature’s outburst, but the worst is still yet to come.

After the quake settles for a bit, López’s characters find themselves surrounded by savage criminals and psychotic looters, throwing another wrench into their survival plans. Not only do they have to escape a maze-like city, but there’s also a desire to not get murdered, raped or kidnapped along the way – because living through an apocalyptic weather scenario isn’t enough. The streets become overrun by lawless lunatics who take advantage of the earthquake’s strike, and López manages to find another way to doom a group of hopeful survivors who can’t seem to catch a single break.

There’s earthquakes, murderers, and Selena Gomez – what else could you want?