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We Got This Covered’s Top 10 Movies Of 2014

2014, though not the strongest year for film in recent memory, certainly provided many memorable titles that we're all eager to watch again. While it's hard to say that there was one definitive movie that absolutely blew everyone away this past year, there were a rather large handful that made a strong impact on the film community.

1) Guardians of the Galaxy

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Guardians of the Galaxy

Guardians Of The Galaxy coming in at number one? You better believe it. James Gunn’sĀ celestial caperĀ is a galactic testament to everything we love about Hollywood magic, and the mere fact that Marvel let Gunn make the movie he wanted – with characters who weren’t marketable until after release – keeps my spirits high about not only the Marvel Universe, but mainstream Hollywood in general.

Where do you even want me to start here? The soundtrack is easily one of the best of 2014, two CGI characters end up striking some of the year’s sweetest on-screen chemistry, Chris Pratt asserts himself as a charismatic leading lad, Gunn includes a Lloyd Kaufman cameo…..this is what happens when you let creative minds thrive instead of being stifled by mass audience appeal and promotional ability.

Guardians Of The Galaxy represents a bold new direction for Marvel thanks to a Troma-bred filmmaker who believed in a rag-tag group of heroes the world knew nothing about, turning them into the lovable characters that the studio so hoped the Guardians would become.