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WGTC Weekly Throwdown: Battle Brad Pitt! Aniston Vs. Jolie

With this weekend’s release of Brad Pitt’s latest - gritty crime flick Killing Them Softly, the throwdown challenge this week dukes it out over the two enchanting women from the last decade in Pitt’s life. As the old adage goes, “Behind every great man there’s a great woman.” In Pitt’s case, there have been two. Let’s see how wife-to-be Angelina Jolie and ex-wife Jennifer Aniston fare!

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Alex: Jennifer

When looking at the whole Angelina vs. Jen saga, most people want to focus on the attractiveness of the women. Well I say it’s irrelevant! Brad Pitt is one of the most gorgeous men to walk the face of the earth. Both of the women, and any other girl he gets, are going to be absolutely stunning, so why argue about the little details when it comes to how they look.

Some will take the route of how their relationships appear to us on the outside. Irrelevant again. Sure, him and Jolie have adopted a ton of kids and aren’t getting married until everyone can. My heart is warmed. But we don’t know what’s happening when they’re alone, far from the prying lenses of the paparazzi.

So what is important you ask? The movies! All three are actors for crying out loud, so what matters is the roles they’ve taken on, and when you look at them, there’s really no question why Brad should’ve stuck with Jen. From when she was Rachel on Friends, Aniston has been a series of good, sweet, loving characters, all while remaining as hot as possible. I mean she was in a movie called The Good Girl. Come on.

But I will go on. Marley and Me, a sweet touching drama. Along Came Polly, she’s sweet yet again. Office Space, Just Go With It, Bruce Almighty, all roles where her character isn’t insane. The closest to crazy she’s been was in Horrible Bosses, and Charlie Kelley is probably the only man in the world opposed to that kind of crazy.

Why is it that I care that she has all these peaceful, non-aggressive roles?


Look at her films! Wanted, Salt, The Tomb Raider films. Heck in Mr. And Mrs. Smith she was trying to kill Pitt! She has to be psycho on some level considering most of her characters lately has been an absolutely bonkers, insanely aggressive woman. If Pitt wants to date someone who can kick his ass, he might as well settle down with Arnold Schwarzenegger and take any speculation out of the matter.

If you want a badass girl for saving your life in the apocalypse, Jolie is your girl, assuming she doesn’t kill you first. If you want someone to settle down with forever, Jen is the way to go. Bad choice Brad. Bad Choice.

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