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What other movies did Paul Grant appear in outside of ‘Star Wars’ and ‘Harry Potter?’

Paul Grant's work in the entertainment industry spanned several film roles, including stunt work in fan favorite movies.

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When news broke this week that actor and stuntman Paul Grant passed away, fans worldwide were shocked. His contributions to the entertainment realm are largely in the Harry Potter and Star Wars realms, but he was a recognizable personality even outside of those fandoms.

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Grant’s death came a few days after he collapsed at King’s Cross Station in London on March 16 at 56 years old. He was declared brain dead shortly after collapsing, and his family, with heavy hearts, decided to take him off of life support just a few days later. In the days before his passing, he’d opened up about struggles with drinking and addiction, wanting to move towards a life of sobriety and change his circumstances around.

Daughter Sophie Jayne Grant spoke to The Sun of her father’s life and legacy, sharing that she loved him so much. He was a father of three, and it’s evident that their bonds were essential to Grant and his children.

“My dad was a legend in so many ways. He always brought a smile and laughter to everyone’s face. He would do anything for anyone and was a massive Arsenal fan. He was an actor, father, and grandad. He loved his daughters and son and his girlfriend Maria very much, as well as her kids, who were like stepchildren to him. My dad I love you so much sleep tight.”

Looking back at his legacy as a man and an actor, fans are reflecting upon his work in the entertainment realm, and if you’re curious as to where else you’ve seen him, as usual, we’ve got you covered.

1st young gentleman — The Dead

The Dead is a film from 1987 in which Grant had a minor role, listed on IMDb as “1st young gentleman.” While the movie title might surprise you, if you sit down to watch this one, it won’t be a thriller or a scary film — it will take you on an emotional journey, however.

If you’ve never seen the film, the synopsis for The Dead reads as follows:

“A festive holiday dinner in Ireland at the turn of the 20th century brings epiphanies for a married couple. At the home of his spinster aunts Kate and Julia, the socially maladroit Gabriel Conroy and his reserved wife, Gretta, reflect on their marriage, Gretta’s memories of her first love, and what it means both to live and to love.”

Grant’s role in this film wasn’t a starring role, but his contributions to the film won’t be forgotten.

Goblin corps — Labyrinth

If you didn’t grow up watching Labyrinth, we’re not quite sure what you were tuning into, but it’s alright; we forgive you! The film is iconic, a genuinely mesmerizing watch, transporting viewers to a land of fantasy and otherworldly scenarios. Starring the late David Bowie and uber-talented Jennifer Connelly, Grant was in fantastic company as part of the goblin corps in this fantasy film.

There are iconic scenes from Labyrinth with Grant in them, and if you’ve ever watched this film, even just once, you’ll undeniably remember his role and impact on the movie. As part of the corp, he was a piece of the most important puzzle in the film.

Of course, we do have to talk about his work in Harry Potter and Star Wars; it would be doing him a disservice not to.

Gringotts goblin — Harry Potter

Within the Harry Potter realm, Grant played the role of a goblin once again, this time as one of the Gringotts goblins. For those unfamiliar with Gringotts, it’s a bank run by goblins where wizards and warlocks store their valuables and, of course, their money. The Gringotts goblins are an important part of the Harry Potter realm, and his character certainly left an impact.

Ewok — Star Wars

In the Star Wars universe, Grant was an Ewok and, as anyone who has ever loved the franchise will tell you, an integral part of the storytelling. There is nothing better than an Ewok, okay…so maybe they’re feisty and a little bit unorthodox, but they’re still a fan-favorite part of the story.

Mark Hamill, Star Wars‘ own Luke Skywalker, left a note of condolences to Paul’s loved ones, sharing that it’s never an easy thing to do to say goodbye, especially to someone from the Star Wars family.

In addition to set roles, Grant did stunt work in Willow, Labyrinth, and Legend and was listed as a producer on a series called Liquid Assets. We’re sending our condolences to Grant’s family and loved ones.