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Joss Whedon Confirms No Post-Credits Sequence For Avengers: Age Of Ultron; Julie Delpy And Linda Cardellini’s Characters Revealed

Since the first Iron Man treated audiences to a sneak peek of Nick Fury in its post-credits sequence, the stage was set. Every subsequent movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has made full use of that allocated slot to clue in moviegoers to larger pieces of the overarching story (Captain America: The Winter Soldier), hint at potential villains (The Avengers) and revisit popular characters of yesteryear (Guardians Of The Galaxy). That trend is finally set to buck with this year’s Avengers: Age Of Ultron, as director Joss Whedon and Marvel brass Kevin Feige have announced the unthinkable.


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According to Feige, that’s a firm no. EW explains that “There is a secret female character, but she may be familiar already,” with Feige confirming “It’s not a big deal. But it’s a good character.” That being said, a recognizable figure within Marvel lore could still point towards a new cast member bringing that character to life. EW’s coverage goes on to affirm that, “One thing is for certain: Someone plays the instructor to a young Black Widow, and Feige and Whedon promise that will be a powerful moment in the history of Scarlett Johansson’s character.”

Neither would go on the record to announce who would be playing the part, but thanks to a new piece of intel from the forums at Superhero Hype, there’s a strong possibility that we know exactly who that is. For those of you who wish to be pleasantly surprised when you enter the movie theater, we advise that you click away now as POTENTIAL SPOILERS lurk ahead.

You may remember that last week we reported that Before Midnight’s Julie Delpy and Bloodline star Linda Cardellini appeared on a cast list for the film’s premiere. Their involvement in the movie is officially shadowed in mystery at the behest of Marvel, but a full cast of characters has made its way online from a Hungarian fan. The roster confirms much of what we already know, except for two new names.

Delpy is listed as playing Madame B, who is thought to be Black Widow’s instructor, and if what Feige said is true, she will appear during a pivotal moment for the character. Cardellini is listed as Laura Barton – aka Clint “Hawkeye” Barton’s wife. Again, whether or not this is genuine information simply released in another country first or complete fantasy, it’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility for these characters to appear.

With the swirl of rumors surrounding Avengers: Age Of Ultron now firing on all four cylinders, it’s amazing to note that there are still unknown elements yet to surface. Is there really anything else left for fans to uncover?

Avengers: Age Of Ultron arrives in UK cinemas on April 23, and US theaters on May 1.