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Why is ‘Get Him to the Greek’ being called the most cursed movie of all time?

The 2010 film sports an increasingly controversial cast.

Get Him to the Greek
Image via Universal Pictures

Its been nearly a decade and a half since middle-of-the-road comedy Get Him to the Greek hit theaters, and its inexplicable return to prominence has nothing to do with the film’s comedic scenes.

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Instead, current conversations revolving around the 2010 release are purely dedicated to its cast, several of whom have seen their reputations tank in the years since the flick hit cinemas. It’s causing the film to age poorly — despite surprisingly high ratings — and leading to a new label as “the most cursed movie of all time.”

What’s behind Get Him to the Greek‘s new “cursed” status?

Plenty of films have been slapped with the “cursed” label over the years, but Get Him to the Greek is no Exorcist. No one died while filming the comedy flick, its scenes didn’t torment crew members for years following filming, and it certainly doesn’t sport any rumors of a haunting on set, but the Forgetting Sarah Marshall spin-off has skeletons of its own.

Skeletons hidden away, but gradually exposed over the 14 years that stand between the film’s initial airing and present day. Each of these revolve around the stars who brought the release to life, some of whom have seen harsh controversies end their on-screen careers for good.

The first culprit behind Get Him to the Greek‘s new cursed status is Russell Brand, one of the film’s leads and easily the most irrelevant member of the cast in 2024. Brand’s reckoning came years ago, and even then it came too late. He’d been accused of inappropriate behavior, poorly veiled beneath claims of a sex addiction, for years before fallout properly reached him in the early 2010s. Even then, it wasn’t until 2023 that his reputation for sexual misconduct and harassment properly caught up to him.

That when The Sunday Times collaborated with Channel 4 to explore accusations surrounding Brand, and ultimately found reports from a lineup of women numbering more than five who accused Brand of sexual misconduct including grooming, exposing himself, inappropriate advances and remarks, and even alleged sexual assaults. He vehemently denies many of the claims made against him, writes others off as “promiscuity,” and overall dismisses the claims to this day, but that denial means little when no one is willing to hire him.

Then there’s Diddy, whose litany of legal issues could take up pages if listed properly. He’s had run-ins with the law across his entire career, with accusations ranging from driving with a suspended license to battery and sexual assault, but it is his latest legal issues that really tarnished the good Diddy name. Properties tied to the 54-year-old rapper were raided by the Department of Homeland Security in March of 2024, reportedly in relation to an ongoing sex trafficking investigation.

Brand and Diddy are easily the most controversial cast members included in Get Him to the Greek, but they’re joined by several celebrities with lesser controversies weighing them down. There’s no comparing Jonah Hill’s controlling behavior and even accusations of assault with Diddy’s full-blown federal investigation, and Aziz Ansari’s sexual assault accusation — while by no means inconsequential — is barely a blip when compared to those of his co-stars.

Still, when you add them all together, that’s four — five if you count T.J. Miller — leads from Get Him to the Greek who’ve been exposed as creeps, predators, or at least minimally problematic in the years since the film came out. Its casting the 2010 release in a whole new light, and souring opinions on the once-popular flick.