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William Shatner Confirms Talks For Star Trek 3, Would “Love To Appear”

Over the past fortnight, William Shatner has been making headlines over his rumoured cameo role in Robert Orci’s upcoming sequel, Star Trek 3. For quite some time, the actor has spoke of his desire to be a part of the J.J. Abrams’ contemporary universe, and even had a small role cut out from the 2009 reboot.


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Over the past fortnight, William Shatner has been making headlines due to his rumoured cameo role in Robert Orci’s upcoming sequel, Star Trek 3. For quite some time, the actor has spoke of his desire to be a part of J.J. Abrams’ contemporary universe, and even had a small role cut out from the 2009 reboot.

However, with recent speculation stating that Orci has written the 83-year old actor into the script, Shatner himself has weighed in on the topic, claiming that he has indeed spoke with J.J. Abrams over a potential role in the film.

“[Abrams said] I’m calling because the director of Star Trek, the next movie, has had an idea where you might be involved, so I’m calling to find out whether you would be interested. It’s all over the Internet that the director had held an interview and said they want Shatner and Nimoy to be in the next movie. I’ll bet you J.J.’s frothing at the mouth at this point. So the news is out that they have an idea that they want Leonard and myself…they might want Leonard and myself in it. But I would love to do it.”

How exactly the creative team — which now encompasses Orci, Arbams and Alex Kurtman — plan to introduce Shatner and effectively bridge a fifty year gap remains to be seen. Of course, Shatner’s interstellar partner-in-crime, Nimroy, had a part to play in last year’s well-received Star Trek Into Darkness — though many felt this particular cameo was a little on the nose.

The jury’s still out on whether William Shatner or Lenoard Nimroy will make an appearance in Star Trek 3; either way, Paramount Pictures’ threequel is expected to arrive in theaters in the summer of 2016.