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The Wolverine Gets A New Teaser Poster

We've had a solid stream of information and promotion for The Wolverine this month, including set photos, information about a Jean Grey cameo, and details about the film being a self-contained entry. The latest promotional bit we've received is an awesomely badass teaser poster for the film.

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We’ve had a solid stream of information and promotion for The Wolverine this month, including set photos, information about a Jean Grey cameo, and details about the film being a self-contained entry. The latest promotional bit we’ve received is an awesomely badass teaser poster for the film.

The poster was revealed today on the film’s Facebook page, following a live chat with director James Mangold and Wolverine himself, Hugh Jackman.

The poster is a simple black and off-white design, with primitive etchings detailing the shadows of Wolverine’s body and claws. The claws are probably the most awesome part of the poster, extending to the edges as Wolverine crosses them in his trademark, intimidating stance. The only real piece of color is the small release date for the film.

All the recent information has gotten me quite excited about what Jackman and Mangold will be putting on the screen. Samurai steel clashing with adamantium claw definitely has the potential to redeem X-Men Origins: Wolverine, which many fans thought fell far short of what they expected from the character’s solo film.

The Wolverine hits theaters July 26, 2013.

Check out the poster below and then share your thoughts in the comments section.