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Wolverine’s 10 Best Moments On Film

James Mangold and Hugh Jackman have made it very clear that The Wolverine won't be connected to the other X-Men films in any way. That makes a lot of sense, because more often than not, fans have been fairly disappointed with the series. But the one thing that has never been disappointing is Jackman's portrayal of the character.


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James Mangold and Hugh Jackman have made it very clear that The Wolverine won’t be connected to the other X-Men films in any way. That makes a lot of sense, because more often than not, fans have been fairly disappointed with the series. But the one thing that has never been disappointing is Jackman’s portrayal of the character.

In honor of The Wolverine hitting theatres this week, it’s time to look back at the previous films featuring Jackman as Logan, and count down his best moments. For all the flaws the films may have they’re still immensely entertaining, especially when Jackman is on the screen, berserking his way through the villains he comes up against.

For this list, I got together with fellow WGTC writers Justin Harrison and Adam Donaldson to decide exactly which moments belong in Wolverine’s top 10. The following write-ups were contributed by the three of us.

Read on for Wolverine‘s 10 best moments on film.