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Wonder Woman Sequels Already Planned Says Director Patty Jenkins

DC has been walking a long and difficult road with its cinematic universe. Man of Steel was released to tepid reviews and Batman V Superman and Suicide Squad may have been financial successes, but took a real critical mauling. With Wonder Woman and Justice League on the horizon though, perhaps there's light at the end of the tunnel?

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DC has been walking a long and difficult road with its cinematic universe. Man of Steel was released to tepid reviews and Batman V Superman and Suicide Squad may have been financial successes, but took a real critical mauling. With Wonder Woman and Justice League on the horizon though, perhaps there’s light at the end of the tunnel?

At least, director Patty Jenkins certainly seems to think so. Speaking in an interview Screen Rant, the Wonder Woman helmer revealed that she already has plans for future stories for Gal Gadot’s Amazonian warrior:

“[There are] many, many things I can’t wait to do with her. She’s got a lot of shades that I really really like. I think whatever we get to do with her in the future, the great thing is this is the way to start.”

So, it seems pretty obvious that Jenkins has ideas, if not concrete plans, of where the heroine could end up. Whatever happens, it’s going to be a busy 2017 for the character, first proving her mettle in a WWI-set solo film and then playing an integral role alongside Superman, Batman and all the usual suspects in Zack Snyder’s Justice League.

The only fly in the ointment is that inside sources report that Wonder Woman suffers from much the same problems that have plagued the DC Extended Universe so far. That (apparently reliable) source said, “it’s discombobulated, it doesn’t have narrative flow. It’s just very disjointed.” If this proves true, it’s going to throw a major spanner in the works for future plans. One dud is fine. Two is unfortunate. Three? People better start clearing out their desks.

We can at least take some consolation in the fact that Gal Gadot was one of the best parts of Batman V Superman, that there’s a positive buzz about Chris Pine’s performance and perhaps the sheer originality of a WWI superhero adventure can carry them through. Either way, we’ll find out on June 2nd, when Wonder Woman opens nationwide.