9) Queen and Country
Sequel to: Hope and Glory
Time between movies: 28 years
Not all movies especially lend themselves to sequelization. John Boorman’s 1987, Oscar-nominated Hope and Glory is a small-scale war-time drama, which stars mostly unknowns and which barely made its own budget back at the box office. Hardly franchise material, then, especially in the superhero movie-friendly aughts.
Without much in the way of warning, and without giving much of a crap about ‘the norm,’ last year Boorman suddenly dropped his Hope and Glory 2.0, Queen and Country. It was his first in eight years, made on the back of a number of flops, but the film proved a surprisingly accomplished comeback, a nostalgia-tinged late-career work inspired by Boorman’s own post-WWII coming-of-age experiences.