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Zack Snyder Wants To Follow His DC Movies With A George Washington Biopic

Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and... George Washington? If director Zack Synder keeps to his current career path, he'll be adapting the story of the first president of the United States after he gets done playing around in DC's superhero sandbox.


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Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and… George Washington? If director Zack Synder keeps to his current career path, he’ll be adapting the story of the first president of the United States after he gets done playing around in DC’s superhero sandbox.

Recently, the director was profiled in a lengthy piece by Bloomberg Pursuits, detailing his life and current work cracking away at the Justice League movie, not to mention seeing Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice past the finish line. The article concluded with Snyder admitting he’d like to take a shot at doing a George Washington movie “in the style of 300.”

When asked about where the idea came from, Synder mentioned that inspiration came from a painting of Washington crossing the Delaware River (which is apparently in his actual office), and wondered how a movie about him would look visually.

Meanwhile, Snyder is spending late nights in his cavernous office working on the upcoming Justice League movie. He’s also thinking about making films that aren’t comic book adaptations. Sort of. One of these days, he’d like to make one about George Washington in the style of 300. He has a picture in his office of the Revolutionary War hero crossing the icy Delaware on his way to decimate the British in the Battle of Trenton. “We were talking about it,” Snyder says. “The first thing we asked was, well, how are we going to make it look? I pointed at this painting. It looks like 300. It’s not that hard.”

It’s hard to argue against the fact that his version of one of America’s founding fathers would at least look visually interesting. All the same, given Synder’s track record, if George Washington: Dawn of America ever happens, it probably won’t be the next Lincoln.

Tell us, what do you think of the director’s thoughts about his career outside of DC superhero movies? Let us know in the comments section below.