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Zack Snyder Considering A Retelling Of Arthurian Legend For His Next Project

Although a lot of fans will be hoping that the impending HBO Max release of Zack Snyder's Justice League could persuade Warner Bros. to give the green light to a direct sequel, the filmmaker himself has admitted that the studio have no interest in returning to that well for what would be a third time.

King Arthur

Although a lot of fans will be hoping that the impending HBO Max release of Zack Snyder‘s Justice League could persuade Warner Bros. to give the green light to a direct sequel, the filmmaker himself has admitted that the studio have no interest in returning to that well for what would be a third time.

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You can completely understand their position, too, with the additional post-production, filming and marketing costs associated with the Snyder Cut pushing the total expenditure on the entire endeavor to almost half a billion dollars. The door isn’t completely closed by any means, but it’ll take a lot of convincing for the boardroom to kick it wide open.

Next up for the director is Netflix’s zombie heist thriller Army of the Dead, which marks his first non-DCEU effort behind the camera in ten years. A shared universe is already in the works with a feature film prequel and anime series on the way, but in a new interview, Snyder admitted that he was considering something surprising for a future project.

“I’m working on something, but we’ll see. I’ve been thinking about some kind of retelling, like real sort of fateful retelling, that Arthurian kind of mythological concept. We’ll see. Maybe that will come at some point.”

Netflix’s Cursed may have found a big audience when it was released last summer, but it still hasn’t been renewed for a second season as of yet, with question marks surrounding the interest modern audiences hold in Arthurian legend. Of course, the elephant in the room is obviously Guy Ritchie’s King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, which was panned by critics and went on to become one of the biggest box office bombs in history when it was released in the summer of 2017.

Ritchie’s origin story was more than a little reminiscent of Zack Snyder‘s work given the constant speed-ramping, washed out color palette and reliance on effects-heavy fantasy, but the movie’s abject failure will have no doubt put the major studios off of approving any similar projects for the foreseeable future.