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Ashley Wallbridge Speaks Out Against Ghost Producing

By now, most dance music fans are aware of the seedy industry practice of ghost producing. Ghost producing involves the purchase of tracks from secret producers that are then passed off as the work of other successful artists who lack real production talent. While there's always plenty of rumors about which artists utilize ghost producers, Ashley Wallbridge took to social media this week to denounce his role in the practice.


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By now, most dance music fans are aware of the seedy industry practice of ghost producing, which involves the purchase of tracks from secret producers that are then passed off as the work of other successful artists who lack real production talent. While there’s always plenty of rumors about which artists utilize ghost producers, Ashley Wallbridge took to social media this week to denounce his role in the practice.

Wallbridge reveals in a new video that he served as an uncredited producer on ten Beatport #1 hits, and explains why he is no longer willing to let other people pass his work off as their own. While he’s legally bound not to reveal which artists he ghost produced for, the DJ speaks out against the practice and states that while he may make less money releasing his music under his own name, he felt that working anonymously was a disservice to his fans.