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New Spike Jonze Directed Arcade Fire Video Debuts

The Arcade Fire have released a video for their second single, The Suburbs. The video was directed by Spike Jonze, who directed Where The Wild Things Are and was involved in many other projects as a writer or producer including Being John Malkovich and countless music videos. He also is a co-creator of the famed TV show Jackass.

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The Arcade Fire have released a video for their second single, The Suburbs. The video was directed by Spike Jonze, who directed Where The Wild Things Are and was involved in many other projects as a writer or producer including Being John Malkovich and countless music videos. He also is a co-creator of the famed TV show Jackass.

The video starts off as if it is just a homage to the suburbs, with teenagers riding in their bikes and walking around the suburbs. Before you know it there are military patrolling the streets and let’s just say it gets a little crazy.

The band never actually appear in the video, and they don’t need to. The images here tell a somewhat gruesome story about the hidden atrocities of suburban living, and shots of the band would have probably dulled the tale.

The Suburbs is the title track and first song of their most recent album. I love the song and have listened to it countless times. But I still am unsure of what the hell is going on in the video.

Here it is, let us know what you think.