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Netflix reminds you one of its biggest shows is coming back for season 2 by casting three iconic characters

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Morpheus with his sand pouch
Photo via Netflix

The Sandman nation, it’s time to wake up! Fans of the acclaimed fantasy series based on Neil Gaiman’s legendary DC Comics have been suffering from a sleeping sickness ever since the show dumped its last episodes in 2022, but finally season 2 is stirring from its slumber.

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Hot on the heels of spinoff Dead Boy Detectives (which featured some juicy cameos and crossovers, for those who haven’t caught it yet), Netflix has got us hyped for fresh adventures for Tom Sturridge’s Morpheus by announcing that the full Endless family will reunite in the next season.

In season 1, only four out of the seven Endless siblings — ancient, all-powerful beings who are manifestations of universal concepts. e.g. Death and Desire — appeared, but in season 2 the whole clan will come together. Which probably means the world is about to end or something.

The Sandman season 2 has assembled all of the Endless

An epic, moody promo video offered up this exciting triple-whammy of a casting announcement. First of all, the promo confirms that Sturridge will be returning as Dream, as will Kirby (formerly credited as Kirby Howell-Baptiste) as Death, Mason Alexander Park as Desire, and Donna Preston as Desire’s twin, Despair.

What’s more, it also confirms who’s playing the three new siblings. For starters, Adrian Lester (Renegade Nell) is Destiny, the eldest of the Endless, Esme Creed-Miles (Hanna) is Delirum, the youngest of the siblings, while Barry Sloane (Passenger) as The Prodigal, the Endless who ran away from his duties centuries ago.

Although there’s no release date info as yet, with filming on season 2 underway we can rest assured that The Sandman will soon return to sprinkle some more of its surreal magic on streaming before too long.