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10 Superheroes With Awesome Super-Powered Kids

Superhero comics have been going on for so many decades by now that, even in the weirdly timeless world of comic books, we have seen many of our favourite heroes grow up. Over the years, we have followed them from the early days of their superheroism, where they generally struggled to balance their everyday lives with their alter egos, to the point where they had long-term partners and even kids.

6) Spider-Girl (Mayday Parker)

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Though Peter Parker has never had any kids in mainstream Marvel continuity, he’s had a couple of baby Spider-sprogs in the various parallel worlds out there. Recently, the ongoing Renew Your Vows series showcases a timeline where Peter and Mary Jane had a daughter named Annie who’s inherited her father’s powers.

In effect, Annie Parker’s an update of another daughter of Spider-Man. First created in 1998 as part of the MC2 universe imprint, May ‘Mayday’ Parker was likewise the result of Peter and M.J.’s marriage. After Peter lost his leg in a brutal final battle with Green Goblin, he left behind the Spider-Man mantle and didn’t tell his daughter about her inherited powers until she was a teenager. Like father like daughter, once she found out Mayday became Spider-Girl.

The character was hugely successful back in the day, with her solo series outlasting various attempts at cancellation thanks to the support of the fans. In the end, Spider-Girl was crowned as the longest-running Marvel comic series with a female lead.