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The 10 Unlikeliest Characters Batman Has Teamed Up With

Comic books thrive on crossovers. In both the Marvel and DC universe, you can bet that every conceivable team-up (or punch-up) has been attempted over the years. In the latter's case, most of these involve Batman because... Well, he's Batman. Do you really need another reason?

6) Aliens/Predators

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Fans are always asking the age-old question of whether Batman could take on Superman, but wouldn’t the better question be how would he fare against some other aliens who are actually intent on doing harm? Well, you can find out that answer in Batman/Aliens and Batman Versus Predator (and their respective sequels).

First of all, BvP – written by iconic Watchmen artist Dave Gibbons – cleverly turns the tables on Batman, by making him the prey when a Predator lands in Gotham City and hunts him down. It then produces two follow-ups, Batman Versus Predator II: Bloodmatch and Batman Versus Predator II: Blood Ties. The last of these sees a father-son duo of Predators go for a rematch against Batman and Robin.

The success of these two tales resulted in Batman/Aliens, which saw Bruce Wayne investigating strange disappearances in the rain forest – coming face to face with some xenomorphs. Batman/Aliens 2, meanwhile, deposits the aliens in Gotham itself and Batman has to fight to protect his home from the monsters.

It’s amazing that this random bar-conversation idea of a crossover managed to happen at all, let alone spawn multiple sequels. That being said, I’d love to see Batfleck turn up in the next Alien movie