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8 Theories About How Watchmen Fits Into The DC Rebirth Universe

DC Comics received a lot of flak for Before Watchmen, a run of limited series books which filled in some of the blanks in the histories of those characters without the involvement of creator Alan Moore. However, the reaction to the reveal that the characters are now part of the DC Universe thanks to DC Rebirth has generated an awful lot of excitement amongst fans - and it's not hard to see why.

3) What About Nite-Owl And Silk Spectre?

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There have been numerous nods (we think) to Dr. Manhattan, Ozymandias and even Rorschach during DC Rebirth, but no sign of Nite-Owl and Silk Spectre. There were theories for a while that they might be Gotham and Gotham Girl, but we’ve since realized that’s highly unlikely, so their fate remains a mystery.

While they were forced to accept the actions of Dr. Manhattan and Ozymandias, it’s easy to imagine that they would now rebel against the powerful duo and join the likes of Batman and Superman in what may be one heck of a fight between the two sides. How they’ll factor into this story is honestly hard to predict at this stage as it could be handled in any number of ways, but they’re bound to show up in some form.

Perhaps they’ll use a Boom Tube to enter the DC Universe at a pivotal moment? We can only hope, but it would be a great shame to leave these two incredible characters on the shelf.