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8 Things About Batman That DC Wants You To Forget

2) He Killed A Crocodile

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There’ve been numerous times that Batman has proven to be an enemy of PETA, but the worst has to be in the sixth episode of Batman: The Animated Series, titled “The Underdwellers.” In it, the Bat discovers there’s a criminal named Sewer King who’s using a bunch of orphans to commit crimes for him. When the Dark Knight confronts the villain in his underground lair, the Sewer King sets his crocodiles on our hero.

Batman fights off the first two with ease before struggling with the third animal. As the croc opens its trap to bite down on the Caped Crusader, the Bat snaps its jaws and the crocodile goes limp in the water. You guessed it: he killed the croc. What the hell, dude?!

This was some Watership Down type of trauma for kids, and you have to wonder why the creators of the series thought it was necessary. The croc looked so cute and Batman plain murdered it with his bare hands. For some reason he can’t kill the stupid Joker or Two-Face, but it’s okay to slay a poor, hungry crocodile? You’re cruel, Batman. Very cruel.