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8 Reasons Why The Riddler Is A Better Villain Than The Joker

Whichever way you look at it, the Joker is the definitive comic book villain. The big Kahuna. The irrepressible antagonist. He's in the same league of iconic bad guys like Darth Vader, Dracula, Voldemort and Joel Schumacher (jokes!). No matter the decade or occasion, the Clown Prince of Crime seems to constantly reinvent himself as Batman's greatest archrival time and time again. Consider him the proverbial yin to the Dark Knight's yang, so to speak.

He’s Able To Work With Others

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No man is an island, and Gotham’s criminals would do well to heed this statement. The most success they’ve found is when they’ve collaborated on a plan, rather than operate in their own little silos. Think about it: if the lonesome Bat can work in a team setting, what’s stopping them from doing the same?

Over the years, Nigma has shown he has the ability to work exceptionally well with other rogues. Most notorious is his friendship and relationship with Oswald Cobblepot, AKA the Penguin. The two have been as thick of thieves, and can often be found hatching schemes together. Sure, they’ve had their differences – and tried to kill each other on more than one occasion – but they’re still BFFs at the end of the day. Their friendship is stronger than a couple of pesky bullets and stab wounds.

Conversely, the Joker isn’t exactly the most reliable of partners. It probably doesn’t help that he’s unhinged and might try to kill you for sniffs and giggles, either. In this aspect, the Riddler blows him out of the water, and is a shining example of why teamwork matters – even when it’s for nefarious reasons.