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Activision And Nintendo Working On Black Ops II Season Pass For Wii U

Yesterday Activision announced a Season Pass for Black Ops II's DLC that "may not be available on all gaming platforms". Considering the history of non-DLC Call of Duty games on the Wii, many interpreted this to mean the Wii U. Activision has now confirmed that to be the case, revealing that they have not yet finalized a deal for the DLC on Nintendo's upcoming console.

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Yesterday Activision announced a Season Pass for Black Ops II‘s DLC that “may not be available on all gaming platforms”. Considering the history of non-DLC Call of Duty games on the Wii, many interpreted this to mean the Wii U. Activision has now confirmed that to be the case, revealing that they have not yet finalized a deal for the DLC on Nintendo’s upcoming console.

Speaking to CVG, an Activision representative stated that the DLC has not been announced for the Wii U, however, they are “working with Nintendo on the possibility of releasing the Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 DLC Map Packs and the DLC Season Pass for this new gaming platform”.

Up to this point Nintendo has made a big deal about having Black Ops II on the Wii U by saving the game’s announcement for the console’s full reveal, and making sure it was included in their launch lineup. Considering how important the title is to The Big N, I will be completely shocked if Activision and Nintendo don’t scratch out a deal that includes all the upcoming DLC and a Season Pass before the first map pack hits.

As soon as an official announcement is made concerning the future of DLC on Black Ops II Wii U we will report it here.