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After Marjorie Taylor Greene compares NYC to Gotham City, New Yorkers go on the attack

New Yorkers did not hold back.

Photo by Alex Wong / Getty Images

Marjorie Taylor Greene has unleashed the wrath of New York City after comparing it to the Dark Knight’s hometown of Gotham. Although the Georgia representative is no Batman, she is definitely a joker.

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The fictional city of Gotham is notorious for being swamped with crime, having corruption around every corner, and just overall poor quality of living for the city residents. So it’s no wonder a comparison such as that would cause some backlash. Although Greene didn’t elaborate on what exactly she meant, it’s safe to assume it was a poor attempt at provoking the community.

It’s also ironic that she should be trashing New York and comparing it to a criminal den like Gotham when she’s pledged her full support to Donald Trump, who is literally facing criminal charges right now after the former president was arrested last week. In fact, she seems to think his indictment will somehow guarantee Trump a victory in the 2024 election. 

Marjorie also campaigned for the liberation of the January 6 rioters, the kind of people Batman would slam into a lamppost. Her online tirades about how the whole insurrection was a conspiracy sound like something Paul Dano’s Riddler would spout. Greene has even gone as far as visiting the Capitol rioters in jail, kind of like how Batman visits criminals in Arkham Asylum, although you’d never see the Dark Knight singing in a prison choir with actual criminals like Greene has.

Unfortunately for her, Greene vastly underestimated the rage of the average New Yorker on Twitter, with all hell breaking loose after she posted the vaguely insulting tweet. There were many good roasts of the businesswoman and her politics.

Although the most enjoyable part of it all was watching Marjorie get torn to shreds over failing to realize that Gotham was in fact based on New York. Most people were already aware of this little piece of trivia, so the tweet didn’t really have the impact she intended, Dark Knight? More like Captain Obvious.

Of course, there were a few interesting statistics thrown around suggesting that maybe Greene should get her own house in order before publicly criticizing another.

Of course, she’s free to leave and take her opinions and her weird ramblings, and everything else with her, which is exactly what many told her to do.

This is just another case of Marjorie Taylor Greene continuing the trend of being a national embarrassment. If you’re going to criticize New York, make sure you’re criticizing something that is actually a problem, like that ugly Trump Tower in Manhattan.