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‘And Just Like That…’ season 2 brings back this fan-favorite character in the nick of time

We're really excited about this character's return — and all of the growth on the horizon.

Image via Max

Many conversations in our lives have taken place around the words, “and just like that.” In a conversation about a new job, a new romance, a failing relationship, or a broken heart — things went one way for a while, and just like that, they changed. So when a spin-off of Sex and the City was announced, the title for the series, And Just Like That… signified one significant thing — change.

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In fact, one of the most intense moments of change occurred in the first episode, where Carrie’s husband and long-time romantic partner, Big, passes away. The loss of the character shocked fans who tuned in to see their budding relationship in its next chapter and were instead met with Carrie facing the inevitable without warning.

The trailer for And Just Like That… season two shows that the name of the game is growth, change, and embracing the new — and one way in which that will happen is the return of a character that fans love, but some have mixed feelings about the status of their relationship with Carrie.

So, just who is this character joining the series? Look closely at the trailer, but don’t blink — you might miss it.


That’s right, the Aidan Shaw, played by John Corbett, appears in the final seconds of the trailer, and his return is one that fans have strong opinions about. As a character, Aidan is a likable guy, but his relationship with Carrie has always been one tainted with a lot of back and forth, infidelity, and an overall less-than-savory set of circumstances for Aidan.

Aidan and Big were the great loves of Carrie’s life, and many can relate to falling in love with more than one person, depending on what chapter of life you’re in, but a lot of Carrie’s story with Aidan and Big was intertwined. So exactly how his arc will play out is yet to be seen, but fans knew his return was imminent, and even though their history is sordid — we’re sort of excited to see them figure out what’s next. If Aidan can forgive Carrie, audiences can, too, right?

It’s not just Carrie who is undergoing a lot of change when And Just Like That… comes back with new episodes soon. Miranda, Charlotte, Che, Lisa, and Steve will all be experiencing new ups and downs as they navigate new chapters of their lives, finding new dreams to chase, love to share, and happiness to embrace.

You can see all of the highs and lows taking place for Carrie in the trailer for And Just Like That… until new episodes kick off on June 22.