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At last, a horror reboot gorehounds can actually agree on comes forward

It's long overdue a resurrection.

Image via HBO

There’s no shortage of horror anthology shows out in the wild for audiences to consume, from Black Mirror to Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities, we’ve been spoiled for choice in recent years, but despite this, horror fans are still itching to see a reboot of a beloved classic horror anthology.

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If you grew up in the ’80s and/or ’90s, you’ll probably remember the very specific feeling of terror that Tales from the Crypt elicited in your brain. From the demented storylines to its ghoulish host known as the Crypt Keeper, it was one of the first horror anthologies to make it into pop culture (aside from The Twilight Zone), and for good reason. Even today it holds up as a great watch for anyone who likes the creepy and the weird mixed with a healthy serving of ‘nineties’90s cheese and it’s hard to forget the impression the show left on those who have watched it.

Image via HBO

Fans on Reddit certainly haven’t forgotten it as they congregated to discuss the creepy series and even pitch a reboot. One user asked what’s stopping producers from giving us a fresh take, and fellow horror fans agreed that it’s just something that has to happen.

Many agreed that they’d love to see the show make a comeback, and threw their suggestions for who should helm the show if it were brought back, in the hands of a horror genius like Jordan Peele or Guillermo del Toro it could be a masterpiece.

However, there were a lot of doubts about the possibility of ever seeing Tales from the Crypt coming back in 2023. The rights to the show are complicated, with future iterations of the show being owned by HBO but the Crypt Keeper, arguably the heart and soul, still belongs to the original comic creators.

by u/Satans-intervention from discussion What is stopping Tales From The Crypt from coming back again?
in horror

From that, a potential reboot would also have to compete with a market that is quite niche and already reaching saturation.

by u/addisonavenue from discussion What is stopping Tales From The Crypt from coming back again?
in horror

Other fans set their sights a little lower, simply asking that the show be digitally remastered and re-released on Blu-ray, which isn’t a bad shout considering how low quality it looks by today’s standards.

by u/MrPompeii88 from discussion What is stopping Tales From The Crypt from coming back again?
in horror

The truth is, the modern horror landscape coupled with the rights being up in the air means that it would be quite difficult to get the show off the ground. Whilst it’s true that there are plenty of gorehounds who would happily devour a reboot, we may just have to accept that we won’t be getting a Tales from the Crypt reboot anytime soon. It’s not all bad news, though, competition is good. From Creepshow to The Twilight Zone revival, it means there are plenty of shows like Tales from the Crypt that can fill the hole it left behind.