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‘Baby Reindeer’ inspiration Fiona Harvey is suing Netflix, and you won’t believe how much money she wants

She could start up her own rival streaming service with this much money.

Martha Scott/Fiona Harvey
Image via Netflix/YouTube

Baby Reindeer could end up being one of Netflix’s most expensive shows – and we’re not talking about the production budget.

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In May, Fiona Harvey, aka the real-life Martha appeared on Piers Morgan’s YouTube talk show in an attempt to tell her side of the story. During the hour-long interview she made many wild claims and announced her intention to sue Netflix and Richard Gadd.

At the time it seemed the likelihood of Harvey going through with a lawsuit seemed improbable, after all, going up against Netflix isn’t a battle one isn’t likely to win. However, she’s pressed on despite the odds being against her and a lawsuit was filed on Thursday June 6th.

How much is Fiona Harvey suing Netflix for?

The chances of Harvey winning anything in this case seem somewhat slim, (at least from a layman’s perspective) but when you hear just how much she’s expecting to be paid it seems next to impossible. According to an article from Variety, she’s seeking $170 million.

That’s a colossal amount, So how did she land on that number? Well, an article from People reports that she is seeking $50 million in actual damages from Netflix as well as $50 million in compensatory damages for the mental anguish the show has caused her. She is also seeking $50 million “for all profits from Baby Reindeer,” and finally a further $20 million in punitive damages. This amount also does not cover her “legal fees, costs, and statutory interest.”

Harvey’s complaint, which can be read here, claims that she was defamed by Netflix and Gadd and that the show has led to “intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligence, gross negligence, and violations of Harvey’s right of publicity.” There’s also a focus on the fact that in Baby Reindeer Martha is convicted twice for stalking, this is something that Harvey has vehemently denied from the beginning. The lawsuit goes on to state that her life had been “ruined” by the show as well as providing examples of death threats directed towards her online.

How likely is it that Fiona Harvey will win that much?

It’s a real David and Goliath type situation although that comparison might be a bit too generous. It’s no surprise to hear that Netflix is going to fight the lawsuit – a spokesperson for the streaming giant said, “We intend to defend this matter vigorously and to stand by Richard Gadd’s right to tell his story.”

I’m not a betting man, but I would put money on Netflix probably coming out on top here – she’ll be lucky to make more than the £250 she got from Piers Morgan.