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BioShock Infinite Final Box Art Revealed To Be Quite Mundane

Irrational Games revealed the official box art for BioShock Infinite today, which seems to be a good sign that the recent staff departures within the studio and changes to the game will not result in another delay for the much anticipated title.

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Irrational Games revealed the official box art for BioShock Infinite today, which seems to be a good sign that the recent staff departures within the studio and changes to the game will not result in another delay for the much anticipated title.

Sadly, the box art that Irrational has chosen to represent the game is only interesting in how completely mundane it is. Very little of BioShock Infinite‘s beautiful environment can be seen, and the artwork is basically just a very solemn picture of the game’s protagonist. Virtually none of the other fantastic elements from Infinite are present in the artwork, including images of Elizabeth or the Songbird.

Naturally, the box art will have no impact on how the game turns out, and the real measure of the title will be its gameplay and story. With that said, I’m a big fan of video game box art and I was just hoping for something a little more visually striking from a game (and franchise) that has such an amazing art style.

BioShock Infinite is scheduled to launch on February 26, 2013 for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. Let us know what you think of the game’s box art in the comments below.

Source: NeoGAF