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Boy (And Girl) Wonders: Batman’s 10 Greatest Sidekicks

Despite being the poster boy for lonely, brooding superheroes, Batman has one of the - if not the - biggest supporting cast of sidekicks and allies in all comic books. As The LEGO Batman Movie so insightfully pointed out, Bruce Wayne lost his biological family as a boy and so has made up his own family in adulthood.

2) Barbara Gordon

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Barbara Gordon might not be the first Batgirl – that honor falls to the oft-forgotten Betty Kane – but she’s by far the most iconic and beloved holder of that title. Initially created in conjunction with the 1960s Batman TV series, Babs has grown to become one of the most perennially popular female heroes in all of comics.

One of the character’s defining moments is her paralysis at the hands of the Joker. Though still highly criticized today, Barbara’s proactive attitude towards her disability was praised, as she didn’t let it keep her from crime-fighting. Instead, she became Batman’s indispensable tech support, under the codename Oracle, and started up the all-female superteam the Birds of Prey.

In recent years, Barbara’s regained the use of her legs and is now operating as Batgirl once again. And with Joss Whedon working on the character’s first solo outing, it seems like things are looking up for her.