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‘Bravest Amazon delivery driver ever’: Dedicated delivery driver runs from incoming tornado, but brings her packages along

It's amazing what you're capable of when Jeff Bezos is breathing down your neck.

Screengrabs via TikTok

Dedication, tenacity, bravery, and doing it all with a smile on one’s face. These are the traits of the most renowned folk heroes to ever allegedly trudge across American soil. And yet, questions remain about them all. Were these figures of legend born this way? Did they earn their gutsy capacity through certain trials? Did they happen upon some sort of esoteric knowledge that mentally shifted them into something more than human? How is a hero born?

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Well, in the case of Kayla the Delivery Driver (yes, she will be addressed by name and title), it turns out that anything is possible when you’re operating under the thumb of Big Bezos because we all know what happens if he decides he’s unpleased with your work ethic.

So when Kayla the Delivery Driver found herself plunged in the middle of an active tornado warning, you’d better believe that she wasn’t going to let that stand in the way of getting this bulk Amazon order delivered, and TikTok‘s @adoseofdiaz captured the whole ordeal. Suffice to say he’s about as in awe of Kayla the Delivery Driver as the rest of us should be.

And why wouldn’t he be? The balance, the pace, and the breeziness (no pun intended) of Kayla the Delivery Driver’s latest feat is utterly astonishing, and Mr. Diaz here has done the world a great service by making sure it didn’t go unnoticed.

Of course, the behavior of Kayla the Delivery Driver is typically not what you should follow in the event of a tornado warning. According to the National Weather Service, the actions you should be taking in the middle of an active tornado warning is to move to a central, ground-floor room of the structure you’re in (and if you’re not in a sturdy structure, go find one to be in), and avoid windows.

Of course, you’re always welcome to try adding a bulk magazine delivery to your tornado warning routine, but the fact remains that none of us are built like Kayla the Delivery Driver, and so it probably wouldn’t end terribly well for you. It’s also worth mentioning, however, that the average joe has a better chance of beating a tornado with an armful of magazines than Kayla the Delivery Driver does against Jeff Bezos’ orbital disintegrator ray that’s wired to blast her to smithereens if she even goes slightly off-route. Indeed, every folk hero has their legend; Kayla the Delivery Driver’s is about keeping her god at bay.