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DC Rebirth’s 9 Best Moments So Far

It's been over a year now since Rebirth was born (see what I did there?). In that time, we've seen DC do a full tilt and bring back the good times to their popular superheroes and series. You see, despite what the Internet will have you believe, the New 52 wasn't all that bad - it just didn't feel like a DC event (except for Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's marvelous Batman run).

DC Rebirth

Zod Burns A Bomb Out Of His Brain

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In arguably the biggest WTF moment of Rebirth so far, General Zod burns a bomb out of his brain in Suicide Squad #17. It’s completely nuts, but absolutely perfect for the nature of the title and character.

So, get this: Amanda Waller captures General Zod and thinks she can actually make him join the Squad by planting a bomb in his brain like all the other members. Are you done laughing now? Well, the Kryptonian is having none of it and uses a mirror to burn the bomb out of his brain, sticking it to Waller and all other earthlings in the process. HE. BURNS. IT. OUT. OF. HIS. BRAIN.

Weirdly enough, this is a very Zod-like thing to do, so when he does do it, you can’t really be all too surprised. Still, how painful must it be using laser vision on your brain? Ouch.

Bruce Wayne Meets Thomas Wayne

It was the moment that we’d been waiting for since “The Button” had first been teased. The modern-day Batman, AKA Bruce Wayne, meeting Flashpoint Batman, AKA his father Thomas. While the actual storyline ended up being far from remarkable and didn’t really address anything, the Waynes’ first encounter in The Flash #21 certainly did make your heart stop for a second.

By the time when Batman #22 dropped, we finally got to see father and son have a heart-to-heart conversation and team up for the first time. While it would’ve been nice to see a more extended arc where they could’ve shared more time together, it must be said that there was indeed some closure for Bruce and Thomas here. So, all in all, it served its purpose.

Seeing them together is a scene that truly hits you in the feels. In fact, it’s the second-best emotional moment in Rebirth. The first belongs to…