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Dedicated fans have erected a billboard in NYC to try and save ‘Batwoman’ from cancelation

A NYC billboard is urging HBO Max to save the series.

Image via The CW

On April 29, 2022, the CW show Batwoman was canceled after three seasons. Fans first took to Twitter to make their frustrations known, mobilizing around the hashtag #SaveBatwoman. Now, they have upped the ante by erecting a #SaveBatwoman billboard in New York City.

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The billboard, which features the aforementioned hashtag, a promotion to stream the series on HBO Max, and another hashtag, #HBOMAXSAVEBATWOMAN, was financed through a GoFundMe campaign organized by Jade Hendrix of Philadelphia. The campaign, titled “Save Batwoman!,” has raised $2,850 and counting. If donations keep coming, Hendrix will erect more billboards across the country:

“In order to get the attention of HBO Max and let them know that we’re ready for them to pick up Batwoman and give her a new home, we need to plaster our messages on digital billboards everywhere. With the funds we’re raising here, we will book digital billboards all over the world with fanart asking HBO Max to become Batwoman’s new home. The billboards will be projected near HBO Max and Warner Bros. headquarters in New York City, Santa Monica, California, and Seattle, Washington.”

However, the campaign wouldn’t end in America.

“This is an international fanbase, so the billboards need to be international as well. We want digital billboards proclaiming SAVE BATWOMAN in London, in Australia, Vancouver, in Montreal, New Zealand, South Africa, and everywhere else Batwoman fans call home. All of the funds will go to booking these billboards.”

“HBO max won’t be able to ignore us when they see us on their daily commute to work, when they see us on their way home from the office, when they see us while jogging, when they see us in Times Square and Piccadilly Circus,” Hendrix wrote.

But the campaign is more than about a show to Hendrix: “It’s the representation that queer women of color around the world have been asking for for decades.”

You can donate to the GoFundMe here.